Blender Blade Getting Stuck

AUTHOR: Myles Ditcharo


When making a placeholder mesh for Craig's blender attack, I ran into an issue involving the actor. I had wanted add a spinning blade in the center of the mesh to show that the blender was turned on and sucking up objects around it; however, I ran into issues along the way to achieve that. When making the spinning blade portion, I wanted to add a relative rotation to just the blade alone. But, when executing the code, the blade would get stuck after spinning for a tiny bit. This confused me because there wasn't any collision happening and the code I chose to use to spin this blade was code I had already implemented for my fan obstacle. What made it weirder was that adding a world rotation seemed to fix the issue on the surface. I couldn't use world though because it would bring up issues later that relate to how me and my fellow developers decide to rotate it in the game.


To fix this issue, I decided to break up the single actor into two separate ones. One actor would be the blender, and the second one would be the blade itself. I would create a blade actor that would constantly rotate with its relative position, and child that actor to the blender. After some touching up with the values, it ended up working perfectly. Now the only thing left with it is to put it to use.

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