Fixing the Saving and Loading

When working with the saving and loading for our game, I ran into an issue where a save file would be created when entering the main menu. This issue would cause conflict with the load game functionality as it would allow the player to load a game even if they haven't started playing yet. Normally the load button would disable when there's nothing to load, but like before it would make it so the load game button is always active.

To fix this issue I decided to revamp the saving and loading a little bit so it would be a lot simpler and more efficient. The game mode blueprint will create a save on event begin play if there is no save file found on the players game. To fix the edge case where a save would be made on the main menu level, I added a check to the begin play that skips all the functionality if the current level is the main menu. With this and other small revamps, the save system and game mode bp are overall easier to read and use for the other team members.

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